300 Quilts and Counting...

A little over 4 years ago my daughter gave birth at 26 weeks to identical twin boys, Ben and Liam. While in the NICU for several months, I soon noticed that there was a small supply of little quilts being used in many ways : for Moms and Dads to cuddle their newborns, to shelter them from the lights and noise, to use in the incubators and cots to cover the sterile plastic mattresses. They provided a little softness and yet brightness, a little bit of home in this uncomfortable world of the NICU.

I talked to the nurses about the quilts - where did they come from, who brought them in? It seemed as though they would just appear out of the blue. So I said "I know quilters, we can keep you in quilts for the babies, for the parents, we can do this". So a little over 4 years later and I have another pile of about 36 quilts to deliver.  That makes over 300 we have delivered so far. I get butterflies when I go there. It is a place of great joy and great sorrow for us. Little Ben, who started out life at 2 pounds, is now a healthy, happy 4 year old who has a laugh that would bring a smile to any curmudgeon and lots of love to share. He loves to sing when he thinks you aren't listening and he does a mean break dance. We had the gift of Liam for 7 weeks. He will be in our hearts forever and will never be forgotten. My daughter wrote beautifully about Liam, a gift to us all.

I hope these quilts, made with love from quilters across Nova Scotia and beyond, will bring some comfort and peace to other families.

I can't thank enough the members of the Mayflower Quilters Guild and the Mahone Bay Quilters Guild for their continued support of this project, to always have quilts in the NICU.