Christmas Came and Went

Christmas 2012 is history and as soon as our guests left after dinner I got sick! That dreaded head cold and cough came back with a vengeance and I spent the next 2 weeks in a head cold and sleepless haze. Not much quality sleep and no energy to accomplish much. Thank goodness we had lots of turkey leftovers, the house was tidy and we had lots recorded on the pvr! I am grateful for small things - no one else got it! I guess that is a big thing as I wouldn't have wanted anyone else to get it. I did rally for a lovely lobster dinner on New Year's Eve - lobster will do that!

It seems to be odd writing about Christmas now but I really wanted to just highlight these 6 ornaments that my Mother-in-Law made for us from 1969-1974. We always wished she had kept going but she didn't like the stress of having to pick 2 events from our year to commemorate.

1969 was the year we got married, November 15 and 9 days later we left for a year to teach in Sydney, Australia.

We spent 1970 in Australia and flew back to Nova Scotia on January 1, 1971. We left Sydney on a beautiful hot sunny day, landed in Fiji an it was 110 degrees and pouring rain. Arrived home (on time!) the day after a huge blizzard, beautiful sun and what seemed like 4 feet of snow!

1971, we bought a little red Fiat car (loved that car!) and our son Andrew was born in July.

In 1972 we bought our first house on Tower Rd in Halifax and  Andrew started to walk.

1973 our daughter Kate was born, she just loved the Jolly Jumper and we painted our much loved house a deep red.

In 1974 we traded in our much loved Fiat for a secondhand station wagon and Kate just had to climb everything!

I think next year it will be time to pass on the ornaments to the kids, hopefully they will treasure them as much as we do. I think they will.